Monthly Archives: June 2016

san miguel de allende

the wealth of this city derives from the silver mines nearby. Today nearly 10% oft he population are us americans and canadians, and this explains the extremely high density of galleries, interior shops and excellent restaurants. Soon there will be a short video on my blog about the art walk in the “fabrica la aurora”

guanajuato / 2

taxi in guanajuato

Farewell to guanajuato and some more impressions…

silver mines & “holy” inquisition

Up to 40% of all the silver in the world derives from the province guanajuato and from the beginning oft he 16th century the spanish crown gained an immense wealth. Mostly indios were forced to work in the mines and as a “rewarding” they were given only a food ration. In the 18th century guanajuato was the richest city in mexico and the world leader in silver mining. Back in this time the most magnificent buildings and churches were build.

Whatever, the time of the “holy” inquisition wasn´t funny, especially for the indigenous population. The cruelty of the conquerors inspired the imagination in creating new torture instruments. Some are on display in a small museum (near the silver mines of valenciana).

templo la valenciana (iglesia de san cayetano) guanajuato

My friends do know how critical i´m in behalf of religions and churches, but here is a story that needs to be posted:

“A legend tells,, that the spanish guy, who had opened the san ramon-mine nearby, has promised to holy san cayetano to build a church to his honor when the mine makes him wealthy”

But here comes my favorite: “Another telling wants to know that conde de rul, the silver baron from valenciana, wanted to build the most magnificent of all churches in the style of churrigierimus in expiation for torturing all his mine-workers.“

Probably the daily laborers of conde de rul had to build the church for a “god bless you” – anyhow it was for a needy cause.