Monthly Archives: August 2016

gold medals

I drove to the custom authorites to pick up my three “international automotive media competition” gold medals. The officer was surprised because of the large, fairly heavy package, flipped through the documents and asked me to unpack everything. When the awards were displayed on the table, he scratched his head and asked: “how to get such medals?”

Hmmm, do you have any ideas?

frankfurt / 2

3x gold for “the big trek”

My contribution for the mercedes benz star magazine had won three gold medals !!! ! my article „the big trek“ was awarded in the international automotive media competition as „best of 2015“ and as „best of photography“ i´m overwhelmed !!! thanks to gary g. anderson from the mercedes benz star magazine, to andrew atwood who had made the contact and of course to everybody who had voted for my contribution. The „big trek“ says „big thanks“.

world travelers meeting / 2

You always can trust the german summer, but this time it had rained only during the night. As our truck is stored in mexico city we spent our night in our kombi.

world travelers meeting

during our previous trip we were often amazed at how popular the unimog worldwide is. large tires and a truck with a mercedes star is often enough to convert an atego to an unimog, – at least for many americans who never got a chance to see such a rig. The unimog museum gagggenau oranized a world travelers meeting and for us it was a great opportunity to meet many traveler buddies again. For sure there was a bbq in the evening and a lot of stories were told on the long table.