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copán / honduras

rosalila temple inside the pyramid the replica of the rosalila temple at the museum / copán

The most important maya site in honduras and probably the last one on our way to south america.

Copán has become known through the many, magnificent steles and through the rosalila temple which archaeologists had found under a newer pyramid. it is well known that the mayas had expanded their temple from time to time, just built over the existing structurals. In search of the older building structures, the archaeologists dug through the pyramids – 2,5 miles in case of copán. So they discovered the rosalila temple and partially excavated it without damaging the overlying pyramid. A replica of this very sacred maya temple is shown in the museum, which was built at the entrance to the ruins. To the delight of the posterity, the mayas had carefully overbuilt the holy place and so all frescoes and ornaments have been preserved. Another archaeological sensation in copán is the glyphic staircase with the longest known maya inscription. However, today it is protected from the environmental influences by a tarpaulin without taking responsibilty to the aesthetic requirements of the visitors.

Like all other Maya sites, copán was also abandoned after 850 a.d.. quite suddenly. It is certain that a series of dry periods, caused by the depletion of nature such as monocultures and deforestation of the rainforest, have led to the decline. this probably also meant fundamental social upheavals, especially as the rain did not appear despite the increasing numbers of of human sacrifices. Then probably all the god kings have been hunted to the devil.


artist talk

It was my pleasure to present the artwork sof my co_workers during an “artist talk” in the alp galleries, frankfurt, germany. May thanks to: fred tieken, phoenix, usa || emilio martinez parente, méxico city, méxico || emilio martinez, miami, usa || brad moody, houston, usa || bert esenherz, los angeles, usa || matthias bolz, dresden, germany || matt sesow, washington d.c., usa || barbara fisher, ashville, usa || heather wilcoxon , sausalito, usa

exhibition alp galleries

sculptures: juan martinez parente / photo: norbert guthier sculptures: juan martinez parente / photo: norbert guthier painting: brad moody / photo: norbert guthier painting: bert esenherz (left) matt sesow (right) / photos: norbert guthier painting: matthias bolz (left) matt sesow (right) / photos: norbert guthier painting: barbara fisher / photo: norbert guthier (background: matt sesow) painting: fred tieken, emilio martinez,  (left to right) / photos: norbert guthier painting: fred tieken, emilio martinez, juan martinez parente (sculptures), brad moody (left to right) / photos: norbert guthier painting: matt sesow (left) , heather wilcoxon (right) / photos: norbert guthier painting: heather wilcoxo (left) fred tieken, emilio martinez, juan martinez parente (background)  / photos: norbert guthier sculptures: juan martinez parente (left), brad moody (right) / photos: norbert guthier norbert guthier, matthias bolz, bettina guthier, maria-anna alp, paul grosse (from left to right)

Many thanks to all my co_workers, whom I was able to present at alp galleries, frankfurt / germany: fred tieken, emilio martinez, juan martínez parente, bradford moody, bert esenherz, matt sesow, barbara fisher, heather wilcoxon.

Many thanks also to anna-maria alp and paul grosse for this great vernissage.


getting ready / exhibition alp galleries

After the exhibitions in phoenix, houston, miami, the american co_works have now arrived in germany. I am looking forward to the exhibition at alp galleries in frankfurt on june 8th.

co_works exhibition in miami

Some pictures of the installation and the opening of the co_works exhibition in miami. Many thanks to my co_workers: fred tieken, emilio martinez, barbara fischer, heather wilcoxon, bert esenherz, matthias bolz, matt sesow, bradford moody & in memoriam guy levesque.

Many thanks also to emilio martinez and edouard duval carrié, who have made the exhibition in miami come true.

co_works exhibition houston

putting up the co_works show / houston