Monthly Archives: August 2019

pantanal / jaguar camp / brazil

130 bridges to puerto jofre ailton lara / second guy from left norbert, ailton, bettina (from left to right)

The largest wetland area of the earth is known for its jaugarpolulation and in the northern part of the area it is guaranteed that you will see these impressive animals, at least as long as you can cross all the bridges safely.

We headed for the jaguar camp in puerto jofre and ailton lara, who opened his camp in 2014, offered great service. The brazilian guy, who grew up on a farm, is enthusiastic about the big cats and is very committed to their protection. He wants to convince surrounding farmers to integrate buffalo into their livestock instead of shooting down jaguars, because buffalo drive out all attackers. And he plans to buy land to preserve the habitat. A convinced conservationist who can give his guests a lot of information about the fragile ecosystem.




transpandaneira / pantanal / brazil

to get into the pantanal north you have to cross over 100 bridges. some are the bridges of horror

missionary circle / bolivia

san ignacio weather forecast smoke

1.Mose 1:28

And God gave them his blessing and said to them, Be fertile and have increase, and make the earth full and be masters of it; be rulers over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing moving on the earth.

 Job done  !


salar de uyuni / bolivia

we drove towards the north entrance of the salar de uyuni and were sure it would get cold, very cold. The weather forecast predicted night temperatures of 15 fahrenheit, felt like 5 fahrenheit.

At 12500 feet altitude the air is thin and the white salt surface does not store any solar heat. The salar de uyuni is the largest salt pan of the earth, almost 4300 sqmiles large and between 6 and 100 feet thick. Of course there are also “ojos” (water eyes), which makes the trip even more interesting. One of the islands in salar is the “isla incahuasi” with its up to 1200 years old column cactuses.

We spent the night on the salt surface, had a breathtaking starry sky and early in the morning a magical light until the sun appeared with full power behind the horizon.