Yearly Archives: 2016

lake atitlán

Meanwhile, we have arrived – at least temporarily – in Guatemala. Temporarily, because the visa for méxico is valid for “only” a half year. We will return to méxico to explore yucatan and visit some mayan sites.

Together with other travelers from 10 nations, we celebrated x-mas with a pot luck party at the latke atilán, which is still nice for a swim, even during wintertime and an altitude of 5200feet .

Todos santos cuchumatán / guatemala

As soon as we arrived in todos santos, we got invited to a free meal in due to an inauguration of a new church (exactly opposite an older one). For this fiesta, 4 bulls got slaughtered which then were cooked in huge kettels.

The pitoresque village of todos santos cuchumatán, located in 8000feet elevation in the sierra de los cuchumatanes, is known for its exclusive fashion: all men wear the traditional red white striped trousers.

virgen de guadalupe

virgen de guadalupe / san cristobal de las casas

you will get information here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_Guadalupe

turtle beach

Some limp-dicks believe that turtle eggs would be an aphrodisiaca. This is, of course, equally stupid and as fatal for the turtle population, so the playa escobilla is strictly guarded by the military.

The local eco-tourism program “santuario la escobilla” organizes the visit of the 15km long beach section, and after the papers were inspected by the military, the freshly hatched olivian bastard turtles are taken from a breading station to the beach by tourists. An awesome experience! More than a million of these sea-creatures come each year to this beach and not all make their way back in the ocean.

zipolite 03

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A big thank you to the nice méxican couple who had allowed to take these pictures.

zipolite 02

night-time, at the beach of zipolite …