
petra / jordan

wadi rum / jordan

shit happens ...

rainbow arch / saudi arabia

rainbow arch

hegra / saudi arabia

dresscode for arabic women versus ... dresscode for nabatean men versus ... ... tourists unfinished tomb for king mahain saleh facial reconstrution of a nabatean wowan found in a tomb at hegra

hegra – the rock tombs of the nabataeans near the city of alula

desert X / alula / saudi arabia

mounira al qadiri faisal samra kader attia kimsooja aseel alyaqoub filwa nazer rana haddad ] pascal hachem

If you want to get more information about exhibition and the artists, please go to www.desertx.org

maraya / saudi arabia

the maraya concert hall was designed by a team of italian and german architects and is, unsurprisingly, the largest fully mirrored building in the world.

mahajah arch / saudi arabia