Monthly Archives: January 2016

reagan library

a special kind of mausoleum museum is deticated to the american presidents. Reagan’s stands on a hill nearby los angeles and for us it was an interesting american perspective back to the -also german- history.

I was thrilled about the prevention of the airforce one plane together with the boing´s “state of the art technology” of the year1972. 

len aaron

Here are some quotes by los angeles based artist len aaron: (by the way, len is 99 years old)

The joy of life is living it.

Stay away from humans, they’re the worst kind.

Don’t spend time watching the pebbles under your feet, you’ll miss what’s in front of you.

Take the rest of the day off.

I can’t hear, I can’t see, I have to go by feel.

To be valuable at work, make sure that you prove yourself to be as valuable as your parking spot.

Every business…etc. needs at least, but only, one asshole/bastard. Or else it will all fall apart.

I smoke too much, I drink too much…what else do I do too much? I don’t remember…

Ahhh, another day in paradise!

Life is as beautiful as you make it.

How would you know a good day if you never had a bad one?

I have a fabulous memory, but a lazy mind.

I remember my name because I keep it on the tag in my shirt. The other side of the tag says ‘return to goodwill’.

los angeles art show

alexander yulish alexander yulish melanie pullen fred tieken luna catherine coan christobal valecillos john brosio lluis barba johan anderson

here some impressions form the los angeles art show.

joshua tree national park

joshua tree joshua tree cholla catus garden cholla catus garden

We had visited the joshua tree national park and i wondered where this bilical name came from. Wikipedia has an answer:

„The name Joshua tree was given by a group of Mormon settlers who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mid-19th century. The tree’s unique shape reminded them of a Biblical story in which Joshua reaches his hands up to the sky in prayer.“

„Yucca brevifolia is a plant species belonging to the genus Yucca. It is tree-like in habit, which is reflected in its common names: Joshua tree, yucca palm, tree yucca, and palm tree yucca.[2][3][4][5]

This monocotyledonous tree is native to southwestern North America in the states of California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada, where it is confined mostly to the Mojave Desert between 400 and 1,800 m (1,300 and 5,900 ft) elevation. It thrives in the open grasslands of Queen Valley and Lost Horse Valley in Joshua Tree National Park


Although it was foreseeable it´s also the realities are on such a journey: the cabins batteries were down and had to be replaced. Here are even chinese manufactored batteries in inch measuremens and they didt fit into our metric, european battery compartment. Our friend andrew atwood (atwood european) managed remedy, welded an expansion on the compartment and helped to connect the new, heavy and with 500 ah hopefully adequately sized batteries. Of course, the binding posts wre not identical as well!

lake pleasant / 2

at first glance it looks like relaxing, in reality it´s organizing and preparing my first co_works exhibition in america (of which i’ll soon report more) and what at first glance looks like a waterway is in reality the increase of the water level (due to havy rainfalls) of lake pleasant reservoir near phoenix .


back in phoenix

the best way to experience how long 10 hours could bei s a long distance flight. What a nice welcome by andrew who picked us up at the airport and took us to our home: the atego. He had taken care about it during the 3 ½. months while we were back home in germany, Thank you Andrew !!!

Now i have to organize the upcoming exhibition at the tieken gallery and we enjoyed the open air office at lake pleasant.