Dallas – ultimate destination for our first stage. Stupid timing, I know: during the winter you shouldn´t have a return flight from the southern united states to germany. But there was no other chance. During the last 6 months we met so many interesting and nice people that it was not easy to say ‚farewell’ to the US.
On the 1st. of april (no joke) we will go on, heading towards alaska. stay excited because there are already some crazy topics! But: what can we improve in our blog? We are very curious about suggestions and improvements and we always look forward to getting your comments to the posts.
Are you interested in a mail list? Which artist, musician or odd guys do you recommend on the way to alaska and then south to mexico? By the way: there will be several posts during our travel break and we would be very happy if you recommend our blog to your friends. © n.g.