What do Canadians when the permafrost has melted? right – mud bogging. This is the modern version of rodeos, however with significantly more horsepowers. the sound of the engines is equally respected here as the color of exhaust gases. Who wins here is not so important, the jamboree is what counts.
Many, many years ago the today 83-years old Marl Brown started to collect old cars and thus he founded the hertitage Museum of Fort Nelson. Today the museum is run by the Fort Nelson Historical Society but marl alias santa claus manages the mowing job, as well as the holding of the most ancient artifacts roadworthy. Legs with trousers and rubberboots dispalyed under a car are called „pete“ and it´s a sign, put up by marl, where he hast to work next.
Because of the weight, we haven´t installed a bathtube in our truck, and so the Liard Hot Springs was a welcome change to the shower. At the source the water is almost too hot for bathing but the natural pool offers also well feel temperature ranges. fantastic! Now I think again about a bathtube …
After the japanese attack on pearl harbor the us military pushed to construct a land bridge to alaska and the 2414-kilometer-long alaska highway was built by canadian and american soldiers in just one year.
1942 carl lindley, a homesick american soldier nailed a sign of his hometown to the army signpost in watson lake and since then people screwed and nailed like cracy.
Until today approximately 80000 signs have been added to the posts and the visitor center provides more poles, so tourists from all over the world have space for their signs.
„day use only. no overnight parking“ diese schilder stehen in den usa und in kanada an fast jedem parkplatz. Aber fast jeder rv-fahrer (recreational vehicles) weiss, dass walmarkt ein herz für traveler hat und erlaubt seine parkplätze nächtens kostenlos nutzen zu lassen. In whitehorse muss man aber rechtzeitig vor ort sein, sonst sind alle plätze vergeben.
Danke walmart !!
To get to the Salmon Glacier, you have to travel from Stewart , canada to Hyder , usa (no border controls!), From there you can not go wrong because there is only one road that leads to soon to an off-road gravelroad. Without realizing you then returne to canada and after 20kms the glacier comes into view. We were lucky, just a few days earlier the snow was removed from the road and we could go up all the way to the viewpoint. Phantastic and we were just by our own. even no mosquitos up here. Great.