Wir haben unsere kanadischen freunde marc bergeron und france bellehumeur in jaco (costa rica) wiedergetroffen! ich fühle mich sehr geehrt, von solch einem großen kollegen dieses lob (zu dem bild „vulkan masaya“) bekommen zu haben. Danke marc!!
A powerfull image {vulcano masaya} from my friend photographer Norbert Guthier, you can follow him on his long journey on his blog : https://blog.guthier.com/ or on his Facebook page : norbert guthier photography, wonderfull images ! Norbert and his partner Bettina started there trip from Halifax 2014. We met them while they were in Québec city in august 2014 (see Norbert’s blog : https://blog.guthier.com/?m=201408 since then we are keeping contact and we develloped a true friendship ! Thank you to photographer Mr. Frank Lothar Lange (Frank Onedayonephoto) that allowed this frienship to happened.
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