
the keys

A vast number of small islands (the spaniard called them ‚cayos’ and the englishmen understood ‚keys’) line up in a row and end on the southernmost point of mainland usa in key west. Ernest hemmingway lived here for a few years and his house is still the touriste attraction. Previously the inhabitants lived from legal ship lootings which had wrecked in the coral cliffs. today it´s easier for the tourists getting looted, they need neither a ship nor a reef.

A campground space with power connection, slightly larger than a parkinglot , costs  about $ 110 for one night. In key west motorhomes are not welcomed. They do have their own kitchen and bedroom – these cheapskates!

But the „keyans“ are rewarded by nature and climate. Except when a hurricane sweeps over them again. © n.g.

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