
overlander oasis / oaxaca

The canadian couple leanne and calvin offer a family place to travelers. Actually the backyard is the overlander oasis and 4-5 smaller rigs will fit in. Leanne and calvin´s sleeping room is an old greyhound bus which already had run 4 million miles and the bus is parked in the middle of the house. Many overlanders who are traveling between north- and south america will visit oaxaca and therefore the overlander osasis is the place to be if you want to listen to traveler stories .

also calvin is a skilled mechanic who had repaired our webasto heating system and other stuff. If he can´t do it by his own he will recommend the right people. If you come to oaxaca, please make your reservation in advance so they can squeeze you in.

www. overlanderoasis.com,   overlanderoasis@gmail.com,  Latitude 17.0449 / Longitude -96.64 

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