the exhibition “osterale 2015” in dresden / germany had jus opened. here you can see three “GuBo`s” , that´s a collaborative work with the dresden based painter matthias bolz and me. thanks to andreas bley who took and sent this photograph.
the exhibition “osterale 2015” in dresden / germany had jus opened. here you can see three “GuBo`s” , that´s a collaborative work with the dresden based painter matthias bolz and me. thanks to andreas bley who took and sent this photograph.
You are welcome. We wish you and Matthias many positively reflections about your collaborative work and even a successful exhibition during the OSTRALE 2015 in Dresden, open from 10.07. – 29.09.2015, TUE – SUN! Have a nice and safe trip, dear Bettina and Norbert ! Sybille and Andreas
many thanks to sybille and andreas.