
heather wilcoxon

when I contacted heather via facebook for the first time, I hadn´t expected that she is living on a houseboat in sausalito for almost 30years. and in this houseboat community all members should be either artistis or they have to be connected somehow with the maritime life. This community is one of the few places on the planet where there is an obstacle, to have too much money because another criterion is a low monthly income. Here just the spirit counts. Wow, what an awesome place! Heather´s studio is very close to the marina and she had studied art at the francisco art institute.

Her mission statement is:   always challenge yourself  /  take risks  /  don’t be afraid of change  /  fail……..a lot  /  nothing comes easy  /  ts the work that matters.

thanks heather fort he warm welcome and introducing us to your community. We really spend an amazing time with you. check out heather wilcoxon´s website.

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