
exhibition alp galleries

sculptures: juan martinez parente / photo: norbert guthier sculptures: juan martinez parente / photo: norbert guthier painting: brad moody / photo: norbert guthier painting: bert esenherz (left) matt sesow (right) / photos: norbert guthier painting: matthias bolz (left) matt sesow (right) / photos: norbert guthier painting: barbara fisher / photo: norbert guthier (background: matt sesow) painting: fred tieken, emilio martinez,  (left to right) / photos: norbert guthier painting: fred tieken, emilio martinez, juan martinez parente (sculptures), brad moody (left to right) / photos: norbert guthier painting: matt sesow (left) , heather wilcoxon (right) / photos: norbert guthier painting: heather wilcoxo (left) fred tieken, emilio martinez, juan martinez parente (background)  / photos: norbert guthier sculptures: juan martinez parente (left), brad moody (right) / photos: norbert guthier norbert guthier, matthias bolz, bettina guthier, maria-anna alp, paul grosse (from left to right)

Many thanks to all my co_workers, whom I was able to present at alp galleries, frankfurt / germany: fred tieken, emilio martinez, juan martínez parente, bradford moody, bert esenherz, matt sesow, barbara fisher, heather wilcoxon.

Many thanks also to anna-maria alp and paul grosse for this great vernissage.


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